
GemCraft Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Online
IP Mc.GemCraftPlay.Net
Port 25650
Players 1/50
Version Paper 1.20.6
Country US
Owner Bridging_Noob
Category Survival PvP MCMMO Land Claim SMP 
Uptime 100.0%
Last Ping 2 minute(s) ago

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Key Aspects

- Fully Custom Experience: Our server is nearly fully custom-made, offering many unique and tailored experiences unlike any other. - Enhanced Features: We provide many familiar features, but with enhancements that make them more intuitive and enjoyable. - Community Driven: We thrive on feedback from our community, constantly aiming for perfection through iterative improvements.

Unique Features

- Claims: Like privacy? Own pieces of the world to secure your builds, with our custom settings you can decide what other players can do within your claim. - Player Warps: Like visiting? Visit other players. See their build and shops. No matter if it's your friend or a random player's warp. - Player Shops: Like the business side? With our sign shop system, you can with ease buy from or sell any item to other players. - Profiles: Curious? View many of your or another player's stats and status through their server profile. - Settings: Aspire customizablity? You can toggle various aspects of the game to make it fit your preference or activity. - Homes: Adore exploring? Keep the locations you find and keep exploring without fearing to lose them. - Kits: Want a small item boost? Take your kit once a day to get free items that match your rank. - Tutorials: New to the server? Our comprehensive tutorials will guide you through some of our primary features. - Leaderboards: Competitive? Compete against other players to be on top in various categories and be displayed at spawn. And much more!

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