
Minemix Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Online
IP play.minemix.net
Port 25611
Players 0/500
Version Velocity 1.7.2-1.21
Country US
Owner silk
Category Cracked Skyblock Adventure Ranks 
Discord https://discord.gg/minemix
Uptime 100.0%
Last Ping 2 minute(s) ago

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[!] Welcome to Minemix's Official Discord Server! As a Skyblock Minecraft server with a variety of features to explore, Minemix was first created on 2020, The amount of content we have ensures that there is always something new to discover on our server! [!] Contest Minemix's Island Top! We offer up to $500 weekly payouts for top 5 Islands. Here are the rewards for top five islands: #1 - $100 PayPal + $100 Buycraft #2 - $70 PayPal + $70 Buycraft #3 - $40 PayPal + $40 Buycraft #4 - $25 PayPal + $25 Buycraft #5 - $15 PayPal + $15 Buycraft Payouts will be every week on saturday! Server releases on 6/30

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