MaXGree Factions and PvP

MaXGree Factions and PvP Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Version BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.20.x
Country US
Owner jacobsen0612
Category PvP  Faction 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 3 minute(s) ago

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Welcome to MaXGree Community! Factions & PvP (1.8 - 1.19.2) Java server using the latest Intel Xeon CPU, SSD and high-grade DDR4 ECC Memory. Hosted in centrum of Europe! Supported Goodies: - Specific Perms dedicated to each Rank - ShopGUI+ - AuctionHouse - RandomTeleport - Purchasable Ranks - Vault - 5 Voting Sites - 24/7 online & lag free - Friendly & active support! Attached Discord Server for Updates and other uses below We add new content often and are always looking at player suggestions and ideas. We are a smaller, friendly, non-toxic, community that we are looking to grow. This server is new and is very focused on the concept on factions and pvp and make it the best enjoyable faction server possible. if it sounds like something for you, defintly come and join and invite ur friends! :) To become part of our staff team: - Being active and dedicated to the server. -We're basically looking for people who do Art, Code, Builds, Configs etc. If you meet any of those requirements you can send an application to me. Server IP: Discord: Webshop:

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