Hardcore Marketeers
Server Information
Status | Offline |
IP | hardcoremarketeers.mc.gg |
Players | 0 |
Owner | Optio |
Category | SurvivalPvPHardcoreSpigotAnarchy |
Discord | Click to Join |
Uptime | 0.0% |
Last Ping | 977187 minute(s) ago |
Votes |
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Stanco dei soliti server pay to win, pieni di kit e claim? allora Hardcore Marketeers fa per te. In questo server quasi completamente vanilla potrai sperimentare un survival classico ma con un economia che renderà il gioco più interessante. In questo server i teleport sono fortemente limitati per rendere i sistemi di spostamento classici più importanti, e creare un economia più realistica. I claim anche questi molto limitati, se vuoi avere una base sicura dovrai impegnarti a inventare stratagemmi per nasconderla ad altri player. Ma tranquillo, non sarai costretto a vivere in una base sperduta in mezzo al nulla, potrai trovare dei compagni con cui creare un team attraverso dei plugin, che vi renderà più forti. Quindi? cosa ci fai ancora qui? passa a trovarmi sul server!
Server Stats
What is the server IP for Hardcore Marketeers?
The IP address for the Minecraft server Hardcore Marketeers is hardcoremarketeers.mc.gg. Be sure to take note of the port as you will need that to also join. If there is no port listed, that means you can join with just the IP or using the default port which is 25565.
How can I play on the Minecraft server Hardcore Marketeers?
Below are step by step instructions on how to play on the Minecraft server Hardcore Marketeers.
- Make sure you have a Minecraft account and are logged in.
- Once logged in, make sure you have the desired Minecraft version selected to the left of the "Play" button
- After the Minecraft version is correct, press the "Play" button.
- Next, press the "Multiplayer" button from the menu.
- Next, press the "Add Server" button from the menu.
- Next, enter the desired server name in the "Server Name" field.
- Next, enter the servers ip and if needed the port which are hardcoremarketeers.mc.gg in the "Server Address" field.
- Once everything looks correct, press the "Done" button.
- From here, find the server you just added in the list, click it and press the "Join Server" button in the menu and enjoy!
What Minecraft version does Hardcore Marketeers support?
Hardcore Marketeers currently supports Minecraft version . Make sure to note though that many servers tend to support a range of Minecraft versions, for example "1.8 to latest". However, it is recommended to join the Minecraft server using the version listed!
What is the Discord for Hardcore Marketeers?
Click here to join the Discord for Hardcore Marketeers. Joining a servers Discord is a great way to stay update-to-date on server updates, chat with other players, ask for server support and much more!