
WildCraft Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Version Spigot 1.16.4
Country US
Owner Pauly
Category Survival PvP Cracked Economy Ranks 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 675551 minute(s) ago

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WildCraft Introducing Qualityarmor where players can download a resource pack via command /Qualityarmor getresourcepack and then ope up the shop to a bounty of guns, rifle,grenades.landmines etc. Great for playing army with friends or just grabbing a rifle to go sports hunting. There is a casino with great rewards and payouts along with a chance to win a variety of fly potions and rare items. We have Super ranked Kits along with crazy enchanted items. Its grief protection and economy vault. All new players start with these rank commands /ec (enderchest) and /pv 1 (a players vault) and /dispose (trash) did I mention /Qualityarmor shop....time to hunt the right way!

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