Fantasia SMP

Fantasia SMP Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Players 0
Version Spigot 1.16.5
Country CA
Owner LittleRookie
Category Survival PvP Vanilla Spigot 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 685749 minute(s) ago

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This is Fantasia SMP This server is meant to be a place where you can play Minecraft with others. There are basically no rules aside from no hacking, no lag machines (redstone mob grinders included), and no super racists, sexist, or homophobic remarks. The spawn is simple and the commands are kept as simple as possible to maintain a fun and vanilla environment. Admin abuse is not tolerated and is immediately met with a demotion, and a temp ban depending on the severity of their actions. This is to ensure that all players can play the game as they please without having to worry about staff members misusing their powers. Moderators can only spectate and watch, so creative, and other types of abuse are not possible. All stealing, griefing, and pvp is allowed, the only exception is the spawn area. Spawn should not be girefed or lavacasted, and spawn camping/killing is not allowed. There is a combat log plugin in place that will kill you if you log out during a fight, so be mindful of that. Please join our Discord to become part of our new and growing community; there you will also find a full list of rules. If you have any questions or concerns, please message me on Discord! We currently have 5 Crates available at spawn. You can obtain 3 Vote Crate Keys a day by voting for this server! Do /vote on the server to get a full list of sites. Voting helps the server to be recognized and it would help me out tremendously. Discord: Owners Discord: LittleRookie#0424 Server IP:

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