Condemned Vanilla

Condemned Vanilla Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Version Paper 1.18.1
Country US
Owner rush0313
Category Survival Vanilla 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 667414 minute(s) ago

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The Condemned Network Vanilla - Server GUI (/main, /menu) - Crafting Recipes of (/customcrafting): - Upgradable Furnaces - Craft more powerful furnaces from Level 1 to 6 - Craftable Spawners - Craft hostile or passive mob spawners by collecting heads from different type of mobs - Safari Nets - You can use these items to capture mobs in a spawn egg and bring them to your house or sell them on the market - Autorank(/autorank) - Provides a simple GUI showing you what rank you must complete to rank up and what rewards you will earn - Rank to 7 different ranks each with harder requirements - Shop(/shop) - Auction House(/ah) - Vote Crates - Crate that can be unlocked by a key which you can Earn by voting - A Dragon Key can be obtained from killing the Ender Dragon and used on the Dragon Crate - Auction House - Shop GUI - Daily Reset of the End - The Ender Dragon resets every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - Bimonthly resets of the Nether

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