Brothercraft SMP

Brothercraft SMP Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25581
Players 0
Version Spigot 1.16.4
Country US
Owner Brothercraft
Category Survival Minigames  Economy MCMMO 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 347846 minute(s) ago

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JOIN IP: MC.BROTHERCRAFT.ORGBrothercraft is a family-friendly community that focuses on the social aspects of the game: meeting new people, exploring around with friends, and getting into some crazy antics - it's all about the community. Have you ever played on a massive Minecraft server with hundreds of people, yet still felt isolated? In most of the mega-servers today, there isn't really any room for a sense of community since there are too many people. Our community is pleasant and welcoming while our staff is active, friendly, and always willing to help with anything you need on the server. Our survival server aims for a semi-classic feel with plugins for added enjoyment. All on a close-knit multiplayer server! Our creative server acts as a way to express your imagination and your own sense of style. We utilise many different plugins to make your gaming experience the best it can be while still keeping the Vanilla feel.Interact with the community and enjoy Minecraft at its best!​

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