
RoyalTowny Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Country XX
Owner RoyalTowny
Category Survival Towny Economy MCMMO 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 676199 minute(s) ago

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Welcome to the world of royal towny, we here at royal towny choose and want to know whats best for our players so we take plugin request for the server. We updates as much as possible and add new features every month Bug Fixes Fixed towny bug where sometimes you cant deposit Fixed player data being lost Donations updates Special commands you can buy Does not effect gameplay Donations to WarChild So you might be wondering that why is there going to be donations Well your answer to that is we are doing this so we can keep you happy and keep our server updated We are still carrying on the no effect to gameplay rule as eg: say you could buy level 100 enchantment, We dont do that here, You can buy a command that lets you set multiple homes and soon you will be able to buy more.

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