
OxyDrug Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
IP mc.oxydrug.com
Port 25565
Players 0
Version Purpur 1.18.2
Country CA
Owner OxyDrug
Category Survival PvP Roleplay MCMMO 
Website https://oxydrug.com
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 504894 minute(s) ago

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OxyDrug has been open for just over a year, and during that time we've had a range of characters join us. We present the drug genre in a new light, introducing more relaxed feature sets to help users get better aquainted. So, what do we have? Balanced factions - Accessible past Prestige 1Self-balancing Economy - Drugs have a virtual demand/supply. As users sell, it affects the sell prices depending on the overall supply!No cops - The economy balances through other meansCustom enchantments - Over 30 enchantments!Vote Rewards & Rare Rewards - Crates, oh my! And much, much, more. So, are you looking for a relaxed server? Come join OxyDrug. Note: This link provides no vote rewards. 

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