
Ridleycraft Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
IP ridleycraft.apexmc.co
Port 25565
Players 0
Version BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.15.x
Country XX
Owner Rillan99
Category Survival PvP Parkour Economy MCMMO 
Discord https://discord.gg/t25hzM
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 692947 minute(s) ago

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Ridleycraft is a server where you can meet new friends and hang out with people who enjoy playing survival. We have players who are very friendly and like helping other players, we also have dedicated staffmembers who are usually on a very good mood and love helping. Even tho the server is fairly new, it's gotten a long way very fast but we strive to go even longer, and to meet even more amazing people to enjoy our days with. On Ridleys survival server there is a built by hand spawn, in this spawn you have a shop where you can sell items, but not buy since you can make your own shops by using chests and signs. There are two parkours, one easy and one a little more difficult leading up into the air where you can see a sort of museum in the air and the beautiful spawn itself. Ridleys survival server also has Mcmmo which our players responded very happily to when it was added and the server has been very dedicated and have a friendly competition with eachother about who gets where first. When it comes to the chat of the server we have two main languages that we speak, everyone in the staff are able to speak both Swedish and English, even tho the chat is mainly in swedish our players respond, accept and welcome players from all over the world and eventually we believe the main language in the chat will be english.

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