Wicked Pixelmon

Wicked Pixelmon Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
IP wicked-pixelmon.mcserver.me
Port 25565
Players 0
Country US
Owner wkdjimi
Category Survival Pixelmon 
Discord https://discord.gg/PDBCCB8
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 663991 minute(s) ago

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Wicked is a community comprised of gamers from every walk of life. Wicked started out as a platform for us to create competitive gaming teams and build community, but we quickly realized that we were much more interested the community aspect of gaming. We strive to promote the community and friendship aspect of both competitive and casual gaming. We host tabletop/roleplaying games, movie nights, game events, seasonal and spontaneous giveaways, and have an extremely dedicated admin team. Whether you’re a competitive or casual gamer, or not a gamer at all, we'd love to have you as a part of our community!

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