
KubeCraft Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Version CraftBukkit 1.12
Country GB
Owner ConnorBYL
Category Survival PvP  Faction Raiding 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 666732 minute(s) ago

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KubeCraft  KubeCraft is a factions pvp server, currently at minecraft 1.12. We are a brand new server, this means we are currently recruiting staff, this includes moderators for the server and developers for plugins and the website/ forums. The requirements for a desired staff position will be clearly stated on the website and application, be warned there are strict requirements.  We are a fully dedicated factions pvp server, we have a variety of plugins to enhance your Minecraft multiplayer experience! We hope you enjoy your stay on KubeCraft and follow the rules to make it fun for everyone else to. 

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