Prismatic Gaming's Hub Server

Prismatic Gaming's Hub Server Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25565
Players 0
Version BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.12.x
Country US
Owner Dartouious
Category Creative   Skyblock KitPvP 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 684021 minute(s) ago

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Welcome to Prismatic Gaming! Welcome to our grand opening! We are starting big with Faction, Creative and Zombies (Alpha stage)  MC servers as well as our Garry’s Mod DarkRP and Ark: Survival EvolvedHere is a look at what we have to offer. Hub ServerWaiting for a friend, or just hanging out, our hub has much to do! Custom made spawn: Any good community has custom made maps. Well, we spared no expense to bring you the best possible hub map we could get. Imagine you are a god walking through a Colosseum among the heavens. Yeah, it's that awesome. Creative ServerDo you enjoy building but feel bad when nobody can see your amazing build? Join our Creative server! Build with friends to compete for the "Golden Plots" next to spawn! Custom made map: Everything about our creative server's map is custom made. The roads, the golden plots, and of course, the spawn. We even manage to turn our logo into a 3D sculpture of beauty that ever so flawlessly incorporates into the spawn.Pets: Feeling lonely while building? Feel free to spawn in one of our 40+ pets. You can carry them on your shoulders, ride them and even edit how they look. Factions ServerClassic Factions. However, we have lots of plugins installed to optimize your experience on our server.  Custom made spawn: Not your typical square boring castle spawn. However, we want to keep the tradition of the castle spawn. So we put it on an island with a village. Take your starting boats and travel in any direction of your choosing. With 3 different biomes less than 300 blocks from the Island we are sure you will find something to your liking.

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