
ArcaneCraft Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
IP Mc.ArcaneCraft.Org.Uk
Port 25565
Players 0
Version Spigot 1.12.2
Country FR
Owner Kierxn
Category OP Prison 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 683996 minute(s) ago

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Hello, I am Kieran Owner of ArcaneCraft and I am just writing this to get players to join my awesome OP Prison Server. ArcaneCraft is an amazing server based around Op Prisons. This means that you can mine your way too the top rank and then prestige and get too the free world. So why should I choose to play ArcaneCraft over any other server ShadowVerse has a wonderful community of many helpful players and staff members, simply join the server and a player will instantly ask you to join their faction. ShadowVerse also has TONNES of awesome plugins to enhance the Minecraft experience. Some plugins to name are: MCmmo, DisguiseCraft, SilkSpawners, Essentials, Auctions, Player Vaults, Nocheatplus, Healthbar and LOADS more. We run enough plugins to make the server amazing, without lag. We are a very unique server with friendly staff, community and regular updates, there is not a single other server with the same game play as us. Excellent staff team and community Token Enchants Custom Enchants Crates Economy is flawless, no dupes Enjoy training many skills in mcMMO Unique never before seen content. Updates are done regulary Its FREE to play. Competitive mcMMO scoreboards High performance servers 100 uptime Loads of kits. Donators recieve many many many perks which also include some amazing kits. Parkour courses with a fun reward at the end throughout the server. A huge shop at spawn to sell your loot. You can donate to ArcaneCraft for a rank on our webstore, ranks recieve many amazing features and perks which range from access to donator only areas and shops, Fly, an amazing coloured rank and much, much more. Web Store Link. http://www.ArcaneCraft.Org.Uk/Shop We hope to see you on ArcaneCraft soon. What are you waiting for Type in the ip Mc.ArcaneCraft.Org.Uk and get playing. Join now: Server IP: Mc.ArcaneCraft.Org.Uk Website: Mc.ArcaneCraft.Org.Uk

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