Hunt Factions

Hunt Factions Minecraft banner

Server Information

Status Offline
Port 25568
Players 0
Version Spigot 1.11.2
Country US
Owner spiffyFox
Category  Economy MCMMO 
Uptime 0.0%
Last Ping 692912 minute(s) ago

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[url=]Hunt Factions[/url]    About HF: HuntFactions, founded by spiffyFox, is a new and ambitious factions server, with a small yet dedicated player base. While creating Hunt, we aimed to bring back the clean, simple, and bloody factions experience that has become so hard to find. The team is devoted to introducing and developing new, clean, and balanced features over time. For example, we plan on adding a custom end map, spleef with rewards, and custom items soon! HF Is an extremely new server, so as expected, we have a small player base. Most people who play on the server are also active on discord. Its a really great group! We yearned for a refined factions experience, a flashback to factions servers of a few years ago. We built it.  We are currently developing our Hub Expansion. This will include prison, skyblock, OP factions, survival, modified survival, and more!  Players who join during our current beta will be given a [Supporter] rank, with access to special permanent features. We are looking forward to new faces! Please post comments/concerns/questions below.  Server Information: Plugins and Features of Note: * Factions (ECON Enabled) * Crates * Crazy Auctions * Voting * Donor Ranks * Parkour * Competitive * PvP Arena * PvP Log * Expendable Obsidian * Vast Spawn Shop * Fun and Dedicated Playerbase * Discord [list] [*]Server Address/IP:  [*]Server Locale: East Coast (USA)  [*]Game Play Type: Classic Competitive Factions Experience  [*]Version: 1.11.2  [*]Website: [url=]Here[/url]  [*]Discord: [url=]Here[/url]  [/list]Rules- * No Racism * No Hacking * No Abuse * No Spamming * No Advertising   

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